Guide to working smarter not harder

Guide to working smarter not harder

Have you ever got a million things to do but no idea where to start? Or maybe you keep putting off that big project with a big deadline that’s hovering over you? Either way, getting your workspace and your task list organised is a surefire way to get your head space...
How to write and post a job description

How to write and post a job description

As the expression goes “First impressions count” and once made, it takes a long time to change. Experts say it takes between five and fifteen seconds for someone to form a first impression about a person. So it’s hardly surprising that a badly worded job description...
Unlock Success: 4 Good Reasons to Outsource for Business Growth

Unlock Success: 4 Good Reasons to Outsource for Business Growth

Entrepreneurs have great talents, but a common flaw is the belief that they can do it all. Hiring a Virtual Assistant and outsourcing is a real asset to an entrepreneur.  It’s a great way to benefit from other people’s skills, scale your business, enhance efficiency...
Boost Your Creativity with a Virtual PA

Boost Your Creativity with a Virtual PA

Take a moment and think back to when you decided ‘to go it alone’ or step up to the challenge of being a business leader or entrepreneur.   The reasons may have been many. Was it to have more flexibility, set your own standards, widen your network, and create...